It seems as if CBS has picked up the tab. The bill to pay for all of this child-slavery, suffering and PTSD of innocent black minors, is due. You can chip in just by watching. CBS put it all on the line -- revealing child-slavery in cocoa by corporations on a corporate media channel. Its almost as if they, need help, not just the children. Should we, readers, come to carry the weight of this burden? How would we, consumers, play a role in relieving this huge global supply chain issue? I'm pretty sure they (corporations) could do it on their own, but no one is stepping up and being accountable! No one is actually ending child slavery. You could even hypothetically, start a non-for-profit and selling chocolate, farmed illegally by child slaves, and donate it all the profits to help relieve the suffering. It's solvable and CBS knows this. Interesting to see how they cover an issue that has a solution without revealing the answer to its viewers. I highly recommend you watch it and if you like this paragraph you'll love my article on John Oliver' coverage of Tony's PHONEY-choco-baloney...They are keeping those hypothetical profits.
"Everyone loves chocolate... But the success of chocolate has a dark side." - The Dark Side of Chocolate, Youtube
Terry Collingsworth is a lawyer who has dedicated his life to fighting against child slavery in the chocolate industry. His tireless efforts have brought to light the de-humanizing conditions, under which children are forced to work in on cocoa farms, normally without pay or access to education or safety.
Miki Mistrati is an award-winning filmmaker/documentarian who has had massive underground success with his two must-see movies called "The Dark Side of Chocolate" and "Shady Chocolate". "The Chocolate War", marks his third and most time one-on-one with the actual abducted children. In his accounts, there have been no documented progress, at ending child-slavery in cocoa (in over 21 years). Every movie of Mistrati's, documents first-hand interactions with actual stolen, kidnapped or bought and sold trafficked child-slaves. But this time its length reveals the lack of progress so painfully and all the broken promises by the industry. Cocoa Life, Organic, Rainforest Alliance, Fair Trade, Utz and even the Ivorian Coast Governments are under his and Terry Collingsworth's microscope.
To see the Ghanian Government lying and covering child-slavery in cocoa up all you have to do is watch his movies here and on youtube and on Amazon here.
"Trafficking of children should not actually be possible."- The Dark Side of Chocolate, Youtube.
The movie goes on to give a voice for the first time in history to the "cocoa kids". Miki shows Terry actually interviewing and revealing the original 6 "John Doe's" that were represented in the past as minors. As we all know, their case was thrown out by the SCOTUS but the reason why (Alito) will blow your mind. No spoilers but Thomas' decision is not based on extraterritoriality as you may have read! This documentaries main point is to establish that the battle may be lost, but the war against 200 years of child-slavery in cocoa may just be beginning. Hopeful the SCOTUS will learn to see international slavery of minors as something that affected the "John Doe's" and is worth ending. They tell all, and recount the traumatic and unforgettable day they were trafficked into cocoa. The meeting is unpleasant and the eventual SCOTUS decisions is so depraved.
"These children are harvesting the cocoa that ends up in America's favorites like chocolate M&Ms and Snickers. Instead of going to school, they are learning the sharp blades cut deep and big corporations make promises that they seldom keep." - CBS News, 12/1/23.
No one has heard from them before except a few gruesome and famous quotes. That includes the one about putting chillies and salt in foot wounds inflicted by the plantation-owner's razor blades. A punishment for trying to escape. For the first time ever, you can here him say it from his own mouth as he is no longer a minor the unlike the trafficked forced laborers in the picture below. It's the "norm". Having trouble swallowing? Watch this clip on CBS below...
The fight against child slavery in the chocolate industry is of utmost importance, as it affects the lives of 2.1 million of children around the world. The movie clearly states that in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire represent only the majority, 1.5 million of them, a small sizable number to begin a war with.
"The few children that do go to school, instead of pencils, are carrying machetes." - CBS News, 12/1/23.
Join us! We are scheduling a Zoom Watch Party! The Chocolate War is available on Amazon and we can all watch it together and discuss. If it goes well, we will set up watch parties for other popular documentaries on the subject. Bring a friend. Inform a foodie. You can make a positive change, in the world, just by sitting and watching. Invite a family member. You'll still have time for the Rudolph Movie, which you'll enjoy most by staring at your smart phone the whole time. ...
In 2 weeks! Have a frosty, cozy hour and a half for free before this authors, low back surgery. I'll be undergoing general anesthesia and since, I'll be unconscious, I have could use some support, so share w/ us after watching The Chocolate War. Sign up on the calendar, here. Its Wednesday at 3pm Hawaii Standard Time. See everyone there!
The Chocolate War
In 2005, Terry Collingsworth (my hero) filed a lawsuit against Nestlé (and Cargill, but their name is often hidden) and other chocolate manufacturers on behalf of a group of those Malian children John Does 1-6, who had been physically abused, tortured and forced to work on cocoa farms in Côte d'Ivoire. This was after being abandoned by their father in one case. The lawsuit alleged that these companies were complicit in the use of child slaves in their cocoa supply chains. Unfortunately, the case was dismissed by a US appeals court in 2010, on the grounds that the plaintiffs did not have standing to sue in the United States. The filings and paperwork went on and on. The Chocolate War covers 2019s year of once potential court hearing in California as well, and all of the later accumulated work of Mr. Collingsworth.
It was heard by the Supreme Court in 2021 instead.
"The use of child labor in the cocoa industry is prevalent, in spite of the international chocolate manufacturers in 2001 having signed a protocol to the contrary." - The Dark Side of Chocolate.
The implications of this ruling were significant. The children did not receive damages (and none had ever been paid and in-field they weren't even allowed to talk about money). The prevalence of child slavery in the chocolate industry is a well-known issue, yet it persists due to a presence of soviet-era "dog and pony shows". You probably buy chocolate from one of these many shell companies (Tony's Chocolonely) set up to pretend that an effort is being made to provide slave-free chocolate. Its not slave-free chocolate you are eating. Even Tony's Chocolonely has over 1700 cases of un-remediated child-slavery in their supply chain. It's probably because Barry Callebaut makes 100% of their chocolate.
The Consequences of Inaction
The impact of child slavery on the lives of children cannot be overstated, nor can the SCOTUS dismissing the case in 2021. By the millions, black children are denied the opportunity to grow and develop, to play and to learn, to experience childhood as it should be. Even talking about how they arrived at the cocoa plantation is emotionally suppressed. International labor organizations call it the worst forms of child-slavery out of any industry. The children are not even allowed free speech during 14 hour shifts in the field and this will continue thanks to the likes of actual, "handmaid" Amy Comey-Barret and specifically Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and even worse, SCOTUS Thomas.
The damage to the reputation of the chocolate industry is also significant. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the social and environmental impact of their purchasing decisions, and shy away from brands that use of child slavery. Brands that are associated with child slavery risk losing customers and damaging their reputation. The best lawyers in the United States claim there is no direct link to the plantation owners (slaver drivers) and Nestlé. Terry Collingsworth has the receipts. This changes nothing. Take a look for yourselves...
The role of consumers in driving change is crucial according to corporate controlled media. By choosing to support ethical brands and demand zero child-labor in supply chains, consumers can send a powerful message to companies that the use of child slavery is against human-rights. None of those options however, end child-slavery in cocoa. Corporate controlled media and "narrow Ai" like ChatGpt, thinks its up to the consumers to stop buying the slave-chocolate (even though Elon calls it "Woke-Ai"). It will not list Cargill as an accountable party. It's not woke or even awake. Could it be removed from public view because Cargill is the 2nd largest privately owned company in all of America?
"The chocolate industry is accused of covering up the trafficking of children and the use of child labor on the cocoa plantations." - The Dark Side of Chocolate, Youtube.
Mr. Mistrati's documentaries will leave you, awake, to the fact giant, international mega-corporations like Nestle, Mars, Barry Callebaut, Unilever (Ben & Jerry's), Mondelez int'l own all the brands at the super market that claim to be ethical like Endangered Species and Dagoba, Chocolove, Godiva, Dove -- they are not child-slave free.
"$115 for one sack, 140 pounds. Some families make that for the entire year. Consumers would be thrilled personally to know that for an extra few cents, the chocolates they are buying are going to send a child to school." - CBS News, 12/3/23
It is essential that consumers are educated about the issue and provided with the information they need to make informed choices because Mr. Collingsworth is getting back to work. His information coming from the corporations themselves, even confirm all allegations, but the voices and blurred expressions of the broken children in this video need advocates. They need us to speak for them and make decisions based on their well being.
This is why #blacklivesmatterincocoa
The Way Forward
Transparency and accountability in supply chains are essential for the eradication of child slavery in the chocolate industry. The corporations who have failed at it already claim this. Avoid those buzz words and green-washing! The reality is, corporations must restructure their relationships with the plantation owners that use child-slavery and with the planet as plantation owners drive deforestation with cocoa farms. The way forward is not green-washing. Corporations must take responsibility for their own supply chains and ensure that no child labor is used in the production of their products or profits. Period. They will never do that and they are not designed to do that. They clearly put profit over all other motives. Profits over accountability. Hey, its illegal to profit off slave labor...US Customs and Border Patrol allows it regardless of transparency, traceability or any other argot. So, is it illegal to profit off child-slave labor? No???
As CBS News puts it, "These children are harvesting the cocoa that ends up in America's favorites like chocolate M&Ms and Snickers. Instead of going to school, they are learning that sharp blades cut deep and big corporations make promises that they seldom keep."
The parlance of corporate media perpetuates that ethical certification schemes, such as Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance, cannot help to provide consumers with any assurance that the products they are purchasing are free from child-labor. Look at the face of the plantation owner below and try and determine his side in the chocolate war.
Who can relate to owning, purchasing and slaving kids? Thousands of African plantation owners all that have evidential proof of direct business transactions with colonialist, capitalist mega-corporations. That's who! These direct business relationships and proof of transactions proves accountability of the manufacturers. Its not consumers' fault, but they can help by sharing this blog, and leaving comments and maybe starting a discussion below? Literally all of us have had slave-chocolate. Everyone on the planet, except for the slave-laborers themselves.
"Consumers would be thrilled personally to know that for an extra few cents, the chocolates they are buying are going to send a child to school." - CBS
Let's agree to avoid buying chocolate with those labels on them, huh? Can we parley to end corporate control of all media, business regulations and market manipulation as well? Well, we need to become a we first. Follow this author's effort on Instagram @pono_cocoa
Is all cocoa going to become child-slavery free in 6 years? Thats the legal deadline...
Supporting slave-free black-owned brands is also important. By choosing to purchase products from companies that are black-owned and committed to decolonizing the craft chocolate industry (by paying livable wages) improving worker conditions and even giving back to the black community, a community of minorities can help consumers take-the-wheel and drive change in the industry. Its not hopeless. By supporting brands that can guarantee child-slave free chocolate within their supply. In most places, like Hawai'i, Vietnam, Cambodia, Ecuador, Venezuela its possible to support the historically suppressed people that would be typically colonized into farming cacao at European gun-point.
The Bitter End
As we have seen, Terry Collingsworth's fight against child slavery in the chocolate industry has been long and difficult. The failure of his case against Nestlé is a setback, but it is not the end of the fight. Originally it was supposed to stay and get a ruling in California as mentioned above. That would have ended the trial in his favor.
There are still many people and organizations working to eliminate child slavery in the chocolate industry and other parts of the food industry and Terry had just waited 2 years after waiting for 4 years, after filing for about 9 years. He was buried in paperwork by the oppositions over 3000 lawyers.
Q1. How can I help eliminate child slavery in the chocolate industry?
You can help by supporting the many companies that have committed to eliminating child slavery in their supply chains, advocating for stronger regulations and enforcement, and raising awareness about the issue among your friends and family.
Q2. What are some other industries in which child slavery occurs?
Child slavery occurs in many industries, including agriculture, mining, and garment production. There are over 50 million child-slaves world-wide. Even the USA had legal child-labor until the beginning of the 1900s and even 30,000 cases today in 2023
Q3. Is it possible to eliminate child slavery completely?
Yes. Unfortunately we are under complete corporate control of media and they have influence on the Supreme Court. The boards of corporations have definitely sponsored supreme-court picks, nominees and even current cultist judges that believe women should be subservient to men. Yes, but we need to have a balanced court and continue to give voice the voiceless millions of children. We need to breakup Vanguard and Blackrock.
Mahalo for considering the devastating issue of child slavery and Terrys Collingsworth's equatable loss and watching Mr. Miki Mistrati's brand new doc! It just came out during Black History Month!
Since the movie was released, the Supreme Court verdict had been published for a while. It is a complex problem that requires collective action to eliminate. In this article, we have explored the life and work of Terry Collingsworth, a lawyer who has dedicated his career to fighting child slavery in the chocolate industry. We have also discussed the recent case against Nestlé on our social media and on @pono_cocoa, which highlights the ongoing struggle to eliminate this (racial) injustice.
As a global community, we must work together to eliminate this practice and create a world in which all children are free to pursue their education and dreams without being forced to work in dangerous or exploitative conditions and of course, never getting to see their parents ever again.
Together, with Mr. Collingsworth and Mr. Mastrati, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all 1.5 million black who, make billions in dollar for shareholders. They make nothing for themselves. There is almost no one else in the world working on this.
In conclusion, The Chocolate War", has just begun but has a long, now well-documented history of exploiting our little ones. The consequences of the Nestlé / Cargill case are significant, empowering our cultish, evangelistic, far-right supreme court and its supporters to perpetuate slavery of black trafficked children for profit. This author is very grateful for the faithful work of Terry Collingsworth, Miki Mastrati and their entire cohort. Maybe nothing has ever been as impressive as the efforts in this article and of course when Mastrati blasted his documentary, through giant projectors, on the face of the actual Nestlé HQ building. For more reading, check out Variety's article on this documentary. Or, visit the page for the movie -- "Where does your chocolate come from? As a consumer, care for a sustainable supply chain. Until the major companies stop abusing the children and farmers in Ivory Coast and Ghana, purchase only chocolate that is made by craft producers who properly support cocoa farmers and make sure that children are in school. You can get a list of model producers at" it quotes. We also recommened